Anna's Inaugural Post
My first week at Woodlawn!
When I thought about Maryland before, I couldn’t imagine the amazing beauty of the landscape here at Woodlawn. After a 9 hour flight I was so glad when I arrived. I fell into my bed and I never saw the river on my first day.
The next morning I was so surprised to see the water, so Sabine and I went swimming. Afterwards our host family told us that the jellyfish sting. So it may be the first and last time we go swimming in the river.
The American food is pretty different than the Austrian. So Sabine and I have to get used to it. Americans have only white bread, which is the biggest difference from Austrian foods, I think. Also the main dish is eaten in the afternoon and not at midday. I think most American people can't live without their sandwich a day.
But today Sabine and I will cook an Austrian dish called "Wiener Schnitzel" for our host family - I hope they'll love it as much as we do!!
- Anna