First time crabbing
Yesterday we went on a boat at Charter Bays. At first we drove to an old lighthouse which was shutdown in the early ‘60s. Nowadays fishermen don’t need lighthouses because information is on their monitor on the boat.
Afterwards, Phil showed us how to crab and fish. He threw some cages in the water and the crabs went in because they smelled the dead fish inside. When crabs enter the cages, they can’t get out anymore.
After the boat trip, we steamed some crabs. We added salt, pepper, red pepper and bay seasoning to the crabs. After around 30 minutes they were done.
Phil showed us how to eat them because it’s not that easy. It was a great experience and we learned a lot. For example, an oyster can filter 50 gallons of water a day. A female crab can produce over a million eggs. An oyster only grows an inch per year.
Picking and eating crabs with Captain Phil Langley.
— Johanna Drack 07/27/19